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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Movie Marathan - Shutter Island

Movie marathon
Shutter Island
Date: 23 April 2010
Time: 2.20pm
Venue: TGV @ Sunway Pyramid

Finished the Mock Exams and we decided to watch movies.
Wanted to watch The Crazies
but after consider some of them who is afraid of thrilling movie, we watch the Shutter Island.

spoiler below!

This movie is about Leonardo having some mental problem after the wife killed their 3 children.
This movie requires your brain to think and understand the movie.
It is either you believe Leonardo or believe the doctor.

It is quite lengthy, I don't really like 360 degree Twisting part of the movie.
It is too much for me.
But what I can say is the plot and idea of this movie is really good!

Since my brain works quite slow, so there is a little confusion for me during the movie.
But in the end, I still understand everything after I ask Boon Siew & Farhan later on.
In the end, the surgery/medical treatment works, he is able to recall everything and he don't feel like living in the earth anymore, cause he still can't accept the fact that he kill his wife.

Personal Rating
Plot: 8/10
Action: 6.5/10
Effects: 5/10

Overall rating: 7/10



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