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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why Vampires Suck?

Vampires suck!

I can't withstand their physical appearance.
Look at their evil look.
They won't be my admire and they won't be in my dream trying to suck my blood. I would definitely have a nightmare than a sweet dreams.
Anyway, I don't think you can find a handsome vampire in a vampire land, unless you are blindly in love or there is 1 in a million.

Obviously they love to suck living creature's blood, perhaps this is the only way for them to survive. They run out of their graves at night to suck the blood of the living, either at their throats or stomachs.
Can you feel the pain in your body? How pain is it for them to suck our blood?
They are just 1 mean creatures. *OUCH*
look at the tears of an innocent girl

They are the coldest creatures around. No body heat at all.
Remember the scene where Bella needs heat? She did a right choice of not hugging Edward the vampire, because he can't transfer his body heat to her. He is just a cold blooded creatures.
Let's imagine vampire is the ice, and would you wanna hug a 6 inch tall of ice?

What's the last thing about vampires suck?
Their skin tend to be so pale, even without applying the natural foundation and BB cream.
Or maybe sometimes without the natural whitening solution,
they tend to be so fairly white
If you are the same like me, can't withstand all this, you will definitely enjoy the new movie call
Trailer From Youtube (HERE)

The End
This post is based on my creativity and for the contest purpose.


  1. i saw tis trailer b4 n i was wondering if it wud be on show in cinema soon...n looks like it wud be in cinema soon...haha

  2. Wonder if Seremban cinemas have this... Lols! Or else I need to watch it alone in KL. :)

  3. I saw this trailer in fb. Looks like the movie gonna be real funny XD

  4. i honestly hated the twilight movies, and hated this spoof too. it wasnt funny, but i really like this blog =] i didnt like how it contradicted itself on hating the original films and also being devoted to them, i had some thoughts at
    you should check it out, leave a comment if you like



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