reached there went to Wakil Store to meet weijie, fiona and also LM committee.
ah! hot hot hot, I am feeling so hot =P
went to the Reading corner and register myself. get number SC046?!
enter the hall, wait for the speeches, it is so damn boring, sms-ed babe he just waked up forget to inform her that I wake up and etc.
and next it's the time to receive our prizes. ^^
received my prizes, asked Lee Young to took photos and here is it!
can't believe around 10am then finish already.
decided to go sunwaypiramid.
damn! it's that place where I almost went it everytime to watch movie, and my frens decided to go again AHHHHHHHHH! why not midvalley? =)
before that drive to ss15, asia cafe to eat breakfast. and continue play pool at the Asia club.
can't believe lose continuous 3 rounds to Nick and Wei Chuen. lol we almost win ahhh! the damn last black ball =P
goooDie. went to sunway piramid around 2pm. Lol! Debbie bring me to test the CK ONE lol.
memang not bad lar. go for it! =)
bought movie ticket Sinjuku Incident. actually wanna watch The Uninvited but still Sneak Preview so we are not really interested with it. lol. some boys gang went to watch F&F.
and they went to MCD. lol deng 3 couple and where is my girl!? I wan 4 couple!! =)
nah! my girl is busy ^^
and got her new photo lol =) nice1! new look but still my girl right? ^^
babe I like your pict!
hiu! went home and I am so steaky! =)
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