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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Heineken The Opener apps

jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way...

Yeah, I'm sure all of you are busy preparing for Christmas and don't forget that Chinese New Year is coming too!
Are you busy shopping right now? buy new clothes, buy Christmas gifts and etc.

Yes me too, but I won't forget to check out the new apps call 
The Opener 
every time I visit shopping malls.
I'm sure you wanna know why.
Such great apps doesn't just allow you to play games, you can get rewards too!

Check out the rewards I get
RM50 iTunes voucher

Since most of the festive season is coming soon. You must be cracking your head what to buy uncle, aunty, cousin and etc. 
Don't worry, you don't have to crack your head thinking what to buy. I have a good suggestion!

You can always pass the rewards you win from Heineken The Opener apps to your friends.
Just click the SHARE and follow the instructions.
Kind enough?

But before you start earning rewards, you got to know how to play The Opener apps!
you will see the Heineken Bottle Caps
 located on the map indicated where you need to be to find bottles

Tap the bottle cap 
once you are nearby the location (approx 50m near)

and then you will need to follow instructions
(Move more to the left/right to locate Heineken bottle)
Once you locate it
Flick your phone to open it

Next, Heineken bottle will fill up the cup
and your rewards will appear.

You just have to keep on collecting rewards, and you can decide whether to share it to your friends or not.

Start downloading the apps HERE from iTunes and enjoy the rewards.
For more info you can visit Heineken facebook.

I'm sure you won't wanna miss the chance to share rewards to your friends during this festive season!

Happy Holidays! :)

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